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Fact check the stories that have been told or omitted about the history of the Brisbane Baylands.  This section has official documentation that backs up the blog and provides additional background for those who want to learn more about the details of the Baylands.

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

The EIR is thousands of pages long. You can find the entire EIR here. This is the Executive Summary and has a table listing environmental impacts and issues.  It also states that the Alternative Plan, the plan for a solar farm, is feasible and the environmentally superior plan.  You can learn more about the Alternative Plan in the NREL Report below.

Report on the Adequacy of the Investigation/Remediation of the Brisbane Baylands UPC Property Contamination Relative to Development of this Property:  Dr. Lee​

Read about capping issues here.

Risks to chemical site remediation by landfilling here.

Baylands Superfund Site History
NREL: Feasibility Study
of Economics and Performance of Solar Photovoltaics at the Brisbane Baylands

Brisbane Planning Commission Recommendation to the City Council to Deny the General Plan Amendment and  Specific Plan Requested by UPC 

State legislators are threatening Brisbane with this draft legislation that will deny us our review process and the right to determine land use, forcing our city to approve all of these homes with no local oversight.

This is state overreach and bullying a small town. 

Note the authors at the top.  If you don't agree with what they are doing, let them know.  They are elected officials who represent the people.

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